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It is time to occupy walls again

W3C3 presents „CONNECTING WORLDS“ – a group art show featuring international artists.

From November 25th, until December 27th 2024, we’re turning the spotlight on our talented builders once again. This time, our creative journey takes us to the lovely city hall of Ridderkerk in the Netherlands.

Our chosen venue is no ordinary space; it’s a place of prestige and cultural significance. With a steady 2500 walk in visitors a month, it’s the perfect canvas to showcase the artistic beauty of our community creates.

This venue is a highly public place and it has a history of displaying art here as it is host to many different collections throughout the year. Local people are used to their city hall being a place of public art that is easy to drop by and just enjoy the displayed pieces.

This expo will again be a fusion of the physical and the digital art again. This not only widens the palette of exhibits, but also makes it more affordable for our members to have a chance to come along without the chance to bring in physical pieces.

>> For ALL our members we offer one FREE exhibition slot. 

There is also an open call on the HUG in which we offer five slots for digital artworks. To submit your art in this open call for free, please join the HUG: [JOIN LINK]

Flyer Connecting Worlds


International art show
Nov. 25st – Dec. 27th, 2024

City Hall Ridderkerk
Koningsplein 1, 2981 EA Ridderkerk, NL